5.1.2Materiality Methodology
SBM Offshore conducts a materiality analysis according to the GRI Standards in order to include the topics in the Annual Report that can reasonably be considered important for reflecting the organization’s economic, environmental and social impacts, or influencing the decisions of stakeholders.
For SBM Offshore, it is critical to understand the context of the Company and the interest SBM Offshore’s stakeholders take and the impact SBM Offshore has on them, the environment and society. This understanding is raised through continuous dialogue and through SBM Offshore’s Materiality Analysis. Insight is obtained through materiality interviews and risk identification, which aim to validate SBM Offshore’s strategy and derive an updated overview of topics with high stakeholder interest and impacts (Material Topics).
Update material topics
SBM Offshore conducted the following steps to assess the material topics, in order to ensure that the Annual Report contains the level of information required by stakeholders.
- Step 1: Stakeholder Map and Long Listing of Topics
- Step 2: Short Listing of Topics with SBM Offshore Stakeholder Group Owners
- Step 3: Stakeholder Interviews and Surveys
- Step 4: Analysis and Reporting
- Step 5: Action for Strategy and Planning
As part of Step 1, SBM Offshore considered frameworks such as GRI and SASB and looked at peers, clients and best practice. The basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders for engagement during this process resides in the importance of these stakeholders to SBM Offshore and their interest in the SBM Offshore’s activities. Above includes Management Board approval process as part of Step 4.
Every four years, SBM Offshore executes a revision of its Materiality Analysis. This was done in 2020. In the years in between, SBM Offshore conducts interviews based on the same list of key and material topics, asking stakeholders for changes in rankings and for any potential additional topics emerging.
In 2022, SBM Offshore applied GRI 2021 guidance to ensure even better understanding of the context surrounding the company, including economic, environmental and societal impacts. The following steps were taken to ensure this.
- Understanding of SBM Offshore's context − as per strategic planning process, leveraging external economic sources and leveraging existing guidance on potential environmental and societal impacts inherent to the industry.
- Engagement with key stakeholders and senior management to revalidate areas of impact (as per materiality process).
- For stakeholders this was done through video calls with the same stakeholders as in 2021. In these meetings, topic rankings from 2021 were discussed to feed prioritization. Stakeholders were asked for any additional topics emerging in the past year, which was not the case.
- Senior engagement was performed in two meetings, discussing and validating the list of areas and mapping them based on impact on economics, environment and society.
- A workshop with risk management to validate the potential positive and adverse impacts with identified risks for each of the material topics.
- Validation of disclosures with senior management as part the Annual Report.
The outcomes of these steps are explained in section 1.2.2 . As in previous years, material topics are key inputs to strategy planning and target setting for the business − definitions and indicators are explained in the tables below.
| |
Digitalization | Develop secure digital applications to generate new business, improve operational excellence and reduce cost base through process redefinition, IT integration, IT infrastructure and development of digital services. |
Economic performance | Economic value generated by considering total lifecycle and operating costs in order to be able to distribute to stakeholders, including employees, shareholders and capital providers. |
Emissions | Manage scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (GHG and Non-GHG emissions, such as methane, NOx, SOx emissions, etc.) to reduce them as much as possible. |
Employee health, safety and security | Providing a safe, secure and reliable work environment for all employees, promoting good health, adequately protecting them from infectious diseases and providing a secure work environment. |
Energy transition | Maintain leading market position throughout the energy transition, through portfolio management, sustainable development and adaptation to external trends. |
Ethics and compliance | Being a trustworthy organisation by complying with rules, regulations and SBM Offshore’s code of conduct, including anti-corruption policies, procedures and mechanisms. |
Human Rights | Providing a work environment for employees in which basic human rights for all employees are respected and maintained. Ensure social dialogue with regards to labor conditions and impacts on communities. |
Innovation | Development of new technologies, particularly low and non-carbon technologies, to maintain a leading position and support the energy transition. |
Market positioning | SBM Offshore’s position in the market and global presence, engaging in emerging markets, adapting to present and future market developments and product differentiation. |
Operational excellence and quality | Achieving operational excellence and delivering projects and operations safely, on time and at high quality in all areas of SBM Offshore’s business and supply chain. |
Retaining and developing employees | Providing a healthy work environment for employees, with training and education, regular performance feedback and enabling them to grow through SBM Offshore with meaningful employment. |
| ||
Material Topic | KPI | Definition |
Digitalization |
Economic performance |
Emissions |
Employee health, safety and security |
Energy transition |
Ethics and compliance |
Human Rights |
Innovation |
Market positioning |
Operational excellence and quality |
Retaining and developing employees |