Derivative Assets and Liabilities Designated as Cash Flow Hedges

The following table indicates the period in which the cash flows associated with the cash flow hedges are expected to occur and the carrying amounts of the related hedging instruments. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows. The future interest cash flows for interest rate swaps are estimated using the forward rates as at the reporting date.

Cash flows

Carrying amount

Less than
1 year

1 and 5 years

More than
5 years


31 December 2022

Interest rate swaps (USD LIBOR 3 Months)






Forward currency contracts






Commodity contracts






31 December 2021

Interest rate swaps (USD LIBOR 3 Months)






Forward currency contracts






The following table indicates the period in which the cash flows hedges are expected to impact profit or loss and the carrying amounts of the related hedging instruments.

Expected profit or loss impact

Carrying amount

Less than
1 year

1 and 5 years

More than
5 years


31 December 2022

Interest rate swaps (USD LIBOR 3 Months)






Forward currency contracts






Commodity contracts






31 December 2021

Interest rate swaps (USD LIBOR 3 Months)






Forward currency contracts






Interest rate swaps

Gains and losses recognized in the hedging reserve in equity on interest rate swap contracts will be continuously released to the income statement until the final repayment of the hedged items (please refer to note 4.3.22 Equity Attributable to Shareholders).

Forward currency contracts

Gains and losses recognized in the hedging reserve on forward currency contracts are recognized in the income statement in the period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects the income statement. This is mainly within twelve months from the statement of financial position date unless the gain or loss is included in the initial amount recognized in the carrying amount of fixed assets, in which case recognition is over the lifetime of the asset. If the gain or loss is included in the initial amount recognized in the carrying amount of the cost incurred on construction contracts then the recognition is over time.


Gains and losses recognized in the hedging reserve on commodity contracts are recognized in the income statement in the period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects the income statement. If the hedged transaction subsequently results in the recognition of non-financial assets (such as inventory, asset under construction) or non-financial liability, the gain or loss is included in the initial cost or other carrying amount of the asset. In such case, this amount is recognized in profit or loss at the same time as the hedged item affects profit or loss.