See sub navigation
- 4.1 Financial Review
- 4.2 Consolidated Financial Statements
- 4.3 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
- 4.3.1 Financial Highlights
- 4.3.2 Operating Segments and Directional Reporting
- 4.3.3 Revenue
- 4.3.4 Other Operating Income and Expense
- 4.3.5 Expenses by Nature
- 4.3.6 Employee Benefit Expenses
- 4.3.7 Research and Development Expenses
- 4.3.8 Net Impairment Gains/(Losses) on Financial and Contract Assets
- 4.3.9 Net Financing Costs
- 4.3.10 Income Tax Expense
- 4.3.11 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share
- 4.3.12 Dividends Paid and Proposed
- 4.3.13 Property, Plant and Equipment
- 4.3.14 Intangible Assets
- 4.3.15 Finance Lease Receivables
- 4.3.16 Other Financial Assets
- 4.3.17 Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities
- 4.3.18 Inventories
- 4.3.19 Trade and Other Receivables
- 4.3.20 Derivative Financial Instruments
- 4.3.21 Net Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 4.3.22 Equity Attributable to Shareholders
- 4.3.23 Borrowings and Lease Liabilities
- 4.3.24 Provisions
- 4.3.25 Trade and Other Payables
- 4.3.26 Commitments and Contingencies
- 4.3.27 Financial Instruments − Fair Values and Risk Management
- 4.3.28 List of Group Companies
- 4.3.29 Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures
- 4.3.30 Information on Non-controlling Interests
- 4.3.31 Related Party Transactions
- 4.3.32 Independent Auditor’s Fees and Services
- 4.3.33 Events After End of Reporting Period
- 4.4 Company Financial Statements
- 4.5 Notes to the Company Financial Statements
- 4.6 Other information
- 4.7 Key Figures
Other risks
In respect of controlling political risk, the Company has a policy of thoroughly reviewing risks associated with contracts, whether Turnkey or long-term leases. Where political risk cover is deemed necessary and available in the market, insurance is obtained.